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  • Polaris
    8K 179 38

    Collection of poems. [Poem] - A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.

  • Archer
    1K 76 34

    Collection of proses. [Prose] - A verbal or written language that follows the natural flow of speech. It is the most common form of writing, used in both fiction and non-fiction.

  • Andromeda
    13.1K 590 200

    Collection of haikus. [Haiku] - A specific type of Japanese poem which has 17 syllables divided into three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Haikus or haiku are typically written on the subject of nature.

  • Rigel
    96 7 5

    Collection of tankas. [Tanka] - A classic form of Japanese poetry related to the haiku with five unrhymed lines of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables.

  • Titania
    156 5 10

    Collection of acrostics. [Acrostic] - A piece of writing in which a particular set of letters-typically the first letter of each line, word, or paragraph-spells out a word or phrase with special significance to the text. Acrostics are most commonly written as a form of poetry, but they can also be found in prose or us...

  • Cassiopeia
    185 5 5

    Collection of limericks. [Limerick] - A form of verse in five-line, predominantly anapestic meter with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme.

  • Centauri
    461 10 22

    Collection of couplets. [Couplet] - A two line poetry that follow each other and rhyme. Couplets also sometimes have the same meter, meaning the same number of beats or the same rhythm.

  • Sirius
    112 4 7

    Collection of tercets. [Tercet] - A three line poetry, whether as a stanza or as a poem, rhymed or unrhymed, metered or unmetered.

  • Atlas
    270 9 20

    Collection of quatrains. [Quatrain] - A series of four-lines that make one verse of a poem, known as a stanza. A quatrain can be its own poem or one section within a larger poem.

  • Betelgeuse
    79 0 5

    Collection of cinquains. [Cinquain] - An unrhymed, five-line poetic form defined by the number of syllables in each line-the first line has two syllables, the second has four, the third six, the fourth eight, and the fifth two. Line 1: Two syllables (a noun, the subject of the poem) Line 2: Four syllables (adjectives...