The smell of his cologne. The feeling of his cold rings. The black suit and tie. The slicked hair. The masculinity. That's all I could think of when I heard someone say his name
The smell of his cologne. The feeling of his cold rings. The black suit and tie. The slicked hair. The masculinity. That's all I could think of when I heard someone say his name
Fun Fact : this book cannot be seen by Mortals, Muggles, and Mundanes Just a bits of Fandoms Randomness Our motto : Fandoms before blood, always(in case you're in TFIOS fandom than Okay works as well). Anyway happy reading and may the odds be ever in your favor
Percy gets a letter from Hogwarts asking him to attend the school for sixth year after his holidays.What happens when the two worlds crash? Takes place after the Giant War and Wizard war.
Two different worlds collide as Percy Jackson, demigod and Harry Potter, wizard comes face-to-face after having dreams about each other. They are both in the middle of a war and could just be each other's solution to saving the world. [Set in Harry Potter's fifth year and after the Olympian war in Percy Jackson, right...
Ron Weasley tries to make his feelings clear to you, in the completely wrong way.