#1My Life Became a Fanfic.by Oliisnotonfire3202Growing up in the small state of South Carolina wasn't easy, since Dawn wasn't big on the whole shooting, guns, mud, getting dirty type thing. She much rather be inside...saywecanflyfanficsws+13 more #2Can We Fly?by CapnMelody1.4K335SayWeCanFly fan fiction c:saywecanflybandsbradenbarrie+1 more #3Bradenby Skybats_1901Some stuff I wanted to tell you when I met you.bradenbarrieswcfbestdayever+1 more #4ME!!!by 👑8695It's all about memusicmcrswcf+7 more #5Song lyricsby Ej2972014The title is kinda self-explanatoryfirbiabaar+16 more