#1Total drama reboot season 3by sopjiek1.1K2710total drama reboot season 3ripperotaldramabowietotaldramatotaldramareboot+21 more #2total drama reboot highschoolby sopjiek1.2K4521this is soo originalaxeltotaldramamktotaldramatotaldramareboot+16 more #3i hate you. (ripper x axel total d...by ley <33941193ripper x axel total drama island reboot s2 a lot of head cannons!! CHARACTERS AND CONCEPT OF TOTAL DRAMA ARENT MINE!! THE RIGHTS GO TO FRESH TV!ripaxelripperxaxelaxeltd+12 more #4total drama reboot sleepoverby sopjiek5672413scary girl wont be there bcs she is too scary for themmillietotaldramadamiyatotaldramabowietotaldrama+18 more