A Cinderella Demon Tale: Sukuna an...by Quinne Leong
In the demon palace's gloom, Sukuna, a lord with a grim mission, battles endless boredom. A summoning table's red glow interrupts his monotony. Cinderella's stepmother...
So This Is Love (Sukuna x Cinderel...by Sirena
Cinderella has been abused by her wicked stepfamily for years. But that all changes one night when she meets an old woman who claims to be her fairy godmother. Cinderell...
When the Clock Strikes Midnight- S...by Sukunella Fangirl
CW/TW: Swears, Violence, Attempted Suicide, Potentially sexual scenes. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. ITS ALL SATIRE.
Sukuna has been feeling lonely. The king of curses needs a...
【Sinderella】𝘈 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢...by kartartarte
In a land where curses roam and magic lingers, Cinderella endures a life of servitude under her cruel stepmother and stepsisters. Trapped in her home and dreaming of fre...