Enchanted by her teenage daughter...by PhoenixQueen316
Prepare to witness a mesmerizing tale unfold, where a single mom finds herself on the brink of being hypnotized by her 18-year-old teenage daughter, who skillfully turns...
TFP: Arcee X Abused! Child! Human...by Scarlet Summers
(Y/n), who was apart of the group of children who had accidentally come across the Autobots, gets stuck with Arcee.
My mom successfully hypnotized her...by PhoenixQueen316
In a heartwarming tale, a devoted mother is on the brink of hypnotizing herself, unaware that her mischievous 18-year-old daughter has plans to turn her into a willing h...
Oh, Young Oneby SyRuP 🍯✨
Adelpha is the daughter of the very well known Aphrodite. She lives a normal life until Zagreus- the son of Hades- sents them a card saying "I'm watching you"...