An ancient entity always plagued . It wanted to destroy them. Corrupt.
It wanted souls , forcing them to do terrible deeds.
Beliefs , sanity and a fight that can not b...
Wendy darlings Powerful senses drive the optic and mental nerves, and these things are too often affected by personal and outside influence. There is no pictoral, especi...
There once was a king in Egypt.
Cooney, Kara. When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt. National Geographic, 2018.
Cruse, Amy, and Mahmoud Saba. T...
Jameson knows A GHOST is like a long sequence of codes and letters,
like computer data 🧳
Modern GHOST biology is becoming very
much a well know branch of informatio...
THEY know these are startling results. Future probable selves are sending back information to the present, and we are consciously choosing which path to follow.
The poss...
My name is Layla Plasterhouse, handsome, witted, and humble, with a terrifying home and angsty disposition. I seem to exhume existence; and had lived nearly in the worl...