Beyond the Goal: The Legend of Nor...by IwonttellYoumyname5
In "Beyond the Goal: The Legend of Norman," follow the exhilarating journey of a talented soccer player named Norman, whose life takes an unexpected turn when...
The Alchemist of Coffeeby Healthy Choices Guide
In a small Ottoman village, Khalid, a curious and eccentric alchemist, discovers the magical potential of coffee. From energizing his neighbors to impressing the Sultan...
Sparkle's Celestial Odyssey: Embra...by Vivek Talukdar
Sparkle's Celestial Odyssey is a heartwarming tale of a small star's adventurous journey through the cosmos. Despite its size, Sparkle's determination to explore beyond...
"The Benevolent Rose: A Gift from...by Shizrak K
"The Benevolent Rose: A Gift from the Divine" is a heartwarming tale of the enduring power of compassion and the extraordinary reward of kindness, reminding us...
Del gris al colorby DreBorgs
In this moving tale, we follow the life of Little Gray, a dog who longs for something beyond his monotonous existence under the care of Mr. Robert. Through chance encoun...
Noble Right [Dropped]by Ellie Jordan-Lees
Lily was born to a family of peasants just outside the capital city of her homeland, Centeria. It is a land with distinct class divisions, such that only the nobles and...