Kamen Rider Zero-One x Symphogear:...by Ten_Fanfic
The story is about Hiden Haruto - Hiden Aruto's son and Amatsu Hana - Amatsu Gai's daughter. Haru arrives in a parallel world where a deadly alien race known as the Nois...
Kamen Hero 6 (A Kamen Rider in a D...by WeAbL0rD
*title says it all*
Join Takeshi as he explores the city of San fransokyo, meet some wonderful and possibly relatable characters and most importantly...
Follow him on h...
Flying Heartby Patrick Estêvão
(Kamen Rider Heart/Jin OC X Crossover Harem)
The World's Mightiest Heroes have been defeated and brainwashed by a powerful villain, and now are destroying everything the...