Kamen Rider Zein X Precure All Sta...by Lubbock
Zein,a mysterious AI living around the world on Network and seeking some human or riders as label Evil.Every of the evil riders fear the name of Zein but some villain ri...
The story unfolds Ash Ketchum/Satoshi's journey with his beloved partner, Pikachu and his newest partners, Chloe/Koharu and Goh, and his ambition is to be a Pokémon Mast...
Kamen Rider Outsiders: Outsider Vs...by Murayama
In another universe where heroes exist, 'Successors' of Kamen Rider began to appear alongside a new team of 'Heroes' to save the universe.
However, in reality, some of t...
Brajira vs Zeinby Mason Johnson
A short story based off of some reddit statements.
Takes place after Gotchard Ep 33