Mashin Sentai Kirameiger: Yellow l...by
Tametomo becomes disheartened when he critically hurts a boy during a mission, making him decide to quit the team. This is now a Tametomo focused story and the 3rd one I...
Mashin Sentai Kiramager vs Zenkaig...by
A dreaded Christmas Jamen plans to capture children's dreams, harnessing them into a powerful dream juice to feed his master. Its up to the Kirameigers and the Zenkaiger...
Kirameiger vs Zenkaiger: Assassinby
While investigating an assassin attacking a prominent businessman, Sayo encounters an old foe who tries to push his way back into her life. This is another Sayo focused...
Mashin Sentai Kirameiger vs Zenkai...by
The criminal who killed Sayo's parents from her past is released from Yodonna; and KirameiPink wants to kill him no matter what the cost. This is my first ever sentai cr...