This story is set in the town of Green Hills, where a group of corrupt politicians are abusing their power. Scott is determined to become the mayor by any means necessar...
BATMAN 2by batwriter89
I was never a big fan of what Tim Burton did on BATMAN RETURNS, even though I like a lot of the stuff in that sequel. To keep my story more in the spirit of the 1989 ori...
Honest Heartsby madrid_silva
"Sometimes, we may fall in love with the wrong person. Sometimes, we may cry over the wrong person, but in the end, it is those mistakes that will help us find the...
The Mayoral Election: An Animal Cr...by KingWiltcher
It's been four years since Tortimer stepped down as mayor and passed his role on to the new mayor. But now it's time to elect a new mayor, and four candidates stand out...