Peripheral Stories

84 Stories

Importance of Training in Retailing Mobile and Accessories by leonakonopka
Importance of Training in leonakonopka
We are currently in an era where even three year old know how to navigate their way through smart devices. Since it is already a part of social norms and lifestyle, mobi...
The Growing Gray Market for Mobile Accessories by zellerpitalua
The Growing Gray Market for zellerpitalua
Is a group of individuals who value honesty and reliability. In response to this, we strive to deliver the best quality service and products to our customers and vow to...
TPG Faces Complaints on Fraud Products by laelwayner
TPG Faces Complaints on Fraud laelwayner
The Peterson Group is one of the distributors of mobile phone accessories and laptop peripherals in a number of countries in South East Asia.
Ergonomics behind the Usage of Laptops by farkashamad
Ergonomics behind the Usage of Farkas Hamad
Laptops claim to be user-friendly since its features are easily understandable. It is also portable, convenient and lightweight making it efficient to use anywhere. Unfo...