Power Rangers Ultimate Universe: T...by
Leah O'Brien the Pink Psycho Ranger prepared her new journey to the time of the chaos in the Morphin Grid. She is known as the Empress of the Morphin Grid, her mission i...
Power Rangers Psycho: The Rising P...by
The story took place during Dark Specter's forces stage an invasion on Eltar and captured Zordon, five Eltarian Warriors were corrupted and changed into monsters which l...
power rangers in space: psycho sil...by Akira kurokawa
psycho silver had enough of being controlled so he escaped and left he has been on run from the other psychos who were chasing him to bring him back all silver wanted wa...
power rangers the psycho silver (...by Akira kurokawa
psycho silver was also created along side the other psychos but during battle with the rangers psycho some how transported to different area width no memories and ended...