The new life of Uchiha Madara and...by Puteri Raisya
Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna were died since they protect Hashirama and Tobirama from the enemies. They were given a second chance to start a new life in the future. A...
The tail of Uzumaki's siblingsby Puteri Raisya
This is a story about Uzumaki's siblings which be Uzumaki Kimiko, Uzumaki Naruto and Uzumaki Naruko. Uzumaki Kimiko were two years older than Naruto and Naruko. She was...
|The haft Haruno|M! reader x vario...by Snappy
I might rewrite this, probably not tho knowing me
Y/n Haruno, the half brother of Sakura Haruno. Sakura's father had a drunken affair with a woman visiting the village.H...