The guardian chronicles : Nirvana...by Puteri Raisya
Uzumaki Naruto had left the Konoha Village as she been given a temporary exile in six years after her failed save Sasuke. She had change herself and not getting closer t...
Rewind of the guardian chronicles...by Puteri Raisya
Uzumaki Naruto was going a trip camp. She have already have a boyfriend and found her family in japan. She was hurt by Konoha except Hinata, Rock Lee, Tenten, Neji, Gaar...
Izuku's twin sister, Izumi (Todoro...by Puteri Raisya
Midoriya Izumi was a twin sister of Midoriya Izuku. She have born to have a powerful quirk while her twin brother was quirkless. Even so, Izumi have instinct to protect...
{~ _overseaes marriage_ ~}(Todorok...by Sekar chandra
It was starting with arranged marriage overseas, Shoto Todoroki was engaged to his father's best friend daughter from Italian. Alessandra Francesco, Alessandro Francesco...