July 18by Deepanshu Garg
"July 18" is a chilling microfiction series that unfolds a nightmarish tale of survival and terror. The story begins with the protagonist waking up from a wild...
100 Horror Storiesby LonelyCabbage
Prepare to be gripped by fear and suspense as you delve into '100 Stories,' a chilling collection of horror tales that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From eerie...
Project Folklore by Emi Von Aestria
Stories about the mc (you) + plus arts encountering creatures from stories you've been told when you were a child.
Just collections of stories inspired while I'm drawing...
The Awakening Shadowsby abeTrevathan
"In the heart of the ominous Obsidian Hollow, a relentless serial killer named Sylvan Bloodsledge strikes terror into the town's core. 'Bloodsledge Chronicles' foll...