Svtfluff Stories

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6 Stories

Embracing You (VERHAN) by Dzzire_17
Embracing You (VERHAN)by Dzzire
Is it weird to feel like this ? The person you have known for several years suddenly becomes special. You start to feel emotions you never knew you had for him. Can you...
Operation Doodle;; S.Coups x Reader [Fluff] by TrashLord-007
Operation Doodle;; S.Coups x TrashLord-007
After an accident that leaves his arm in a cast, Seungcheol is forced to sit out of promotions. Unwilling to let him stay under the weather for too long, you get to work...
Stay;; Wonwoo x Reader [FLUFF] by TrashLord-007
Stay;; Wonwoo x Reader [FLUFF]by TrashLord-007
After a few drinks and no Wonwoo in sight, you've decided to take matters into your own hands. There's no way you're letting him hide during his own birthday party. ~~~ ...
SEVENTEEN HEADCANONS by hansolismyloser
{basically seventeen as crackhead culture} This is just a book of shitty headcannons that I feel would represent SEVENTEEN as individuals. I'll write some out but some w...
1|3 - The Sun;; Joshua x Reader [FLUFF] by TrashLord-007
1|3 - The Sun;; Joshua x Reader [ TrashLord-007
Lacking the energy to finish your book, you're debating whether or not to grab another coffee when you overhear a certain someone's plan to confess. Within moments the s...