In a magical world where magic exists A young 15 year old boy named cloud has been hunting for the people that killed his parents 2 years ago. He gives up his search one day and meets a girl named Shade who he falls in love with right away. When a strange boy named hunter shows up that same day everything starts changing. ------------------------- Shade is just a normal girl. She didn't want anything to change. Her only interest was looking into the sunset and drawing. Of course she was looking for a strong boy to protect her and when she finds Hunter he is the right one for her. -------------------------- Hunter has lived with the Red Blood Hounds since he was 8 years old. Killing, learning how to be strong and of course hunting was part of it. His main goal was to do whatever the Red Blood Hounds wanted even if he had to sacrifice everything. Cloud is his next goal and he is ready for the kill. --------------------------- Cloud watches as blood falls off his face. Speaking up he saw Shade and Hunter beside each other facing him. Why are they together! Cloud continues with his attack. Grabbing the two swords he runs up at Hunter only to be flicked off again by some strange power. The impact caused him to fall back onto the ground. Shade starts to cry. Tears fall down her face as Cloud watches from the ground. Even though his legs were in full pain he slowly gets up only to have Hunter grab onto his neck. "Hm what a pity, to kill someone like you. I think you dying it the best gift I will have for a while now" Hunter lets go to Cloud before grabbing a knife. "I'm afraid Cloud, this is the end." ......... ---------------------- This is my first book in a while and I'm not the best writer so plz don't judge it. It is a love story with magic in it. I hope you enjoy the story :)All Rights Reserved