Hannah and Bailey are sister's, Hannah is 15 and Bailey is 6.When Hannah was 3 her dad left (Bailey wasn't born yet).When Hannah was 11 Bailey was born.Bailey's father left her also,Hannah thought that Bailey's father would stay and eventually become her's that never happened Hannah was heartbroken mainly because: ~she never had a dad ~she been walked out on twice ~her sister would grow up without a dad just like she did Hannah and Hailey have been very close because of there situation.There both scared to lose people because of what happened.Their mom Nicole is heartbroken and thinks this is all her fault that her daughters grow up without a father.Nicole has a very close relationship with both her daughters.She goes on dates but comes home thinking is it worth it. Nicole always ask her daughters if they ever want a father before Hannah wasn't as upset because she was very young but as she grown older she longed for a father and wanted a father figure that was there for her.Hannah knows her mom is her mom and dad to her but she does not want that she dosent want her mom to do that she wants a father a man who helps her through her problems and is there when she needs the help. Nicole,Hannah,and Bailey all ask themselves what if you he were here.They cry themselves to sleep knowing they don't have a father or a husband. Nicole might find love,Bailey and Hannah might have a father,and they will finally live a happily or will it take another dramatic turn?Read on to find out. P.S:this is my first story and I know it might not be so good but I'll try ~Jahmeelia~💖All Rights Reserved
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