In my world, we must fight for our freedom, there are no soul mates, there are no loved ones, family, friends. There is only you, and the door that leads to future. Many of us will kill for the key to that door, but I resist, I will not be put against my nature in order to receive the uncertain freedom, for where is freedom when all your loved ones are gone, when you have guilt tugging at you every second onwards, is freedom worth that cost? I have to compete in the Reflections in 4 months from today, on my 18th birthday myself and other young men and women will be entering a tournament run by the government, Only the most intelligent and strongest will come out on top. There will only be 3 winners. We must race to a series of puzzles, the participants are known as "Immortals" each Immortal must unlock the puzzle to get to the next stage. There are only limited places in each stage. My name is Ace Parker, I, and three of my closest friends will be fighting for everyone's freedom.