(modern au) here, TITANS are like zombie eating flesh. Their skin are sore purple, also their veins are seen inside their skin. They are also bigger than a normal human size, like the Titans, sizes that are 15m and below. Lastly, this Titans are actually robotic machines that was made by Ymir. Yes... they look like aliens but they were actually robots.
TITAN SHIFTER'S like Eren are pretty much different from this story, not like Izayama's story. Here, they are called controllers, there was an experiment made for only nine people. 'The nine controllers' had been pass from generations, However here in my story it is not by the use of the injection, it is by the use of tablets. In the real Aot story, if you got injected, you need to eat a titan shifter so that the power of this titan shifter will be transferred on to you. However, here is also different, if you had eaten this tablet named *core's* they had the ability to control one of the Titans and not all only one. And to pass this power, they need to remove the tablet that is inside their Brian before the 13th year. Disgusting.... right.... but neh... bare with it.
more explanations are going to be revealed by the chapter's, enjoy.