In a universe filled with chaos, survival no longer solely depends on individual strength. Luck and wits become the focus in every brawl between warring factions, and individual success forms a linear relationship with the influence of others around. This story follows the life and achievements of Murong Xue, style name Wenji, only daughter of a deceased wealthy merchant, and conveniently one of the many nieces of Cao Cao, as she carves a path for herself during a time of seemingly endless violence. Raised by the well-known and influential Cao clan of Peiguo, Xue was given the opportunity to do everything that few women of the era were allowed to do, from taking education, which was mostly reserved for men, to training in the martial arts, but she is always demanding for more. As the story progresses, Murong Xue's path inevitably intertwines with that of one of her uncle's most prized strategists. Throughout the story, Xue must not only learn to adapt to her dangerous surroundings of frequent warfare and drift from her uncaring ways for the well-being of others, but also find the tiny fragments of her own unknown history to discover who she really is, and to become the true master to her own soul. × Cover by avenged_al3x × × On hold/snail speed updates ×
17 parts