Star Wars: The Lord in Exile
35 chapitres En cours d'écriture A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...
It is an era of oppression in the galaxy. For years, the evil Galactic Empire has conquered and subjugated countless peaceful worlds but as their tyranny spreads across the galaxy, brave men and women rise up to rebel against the darkness.
On the distant planet of Lothal, imperial forces have controlled and oppressed the innocent people of this once quiet planet to fuel their factories. With the noble Jedi Order all but destroyed, there is little hope for the citizens of Lothal to know freedom once again.
A small rebel unit, known as The Spectres have arrived to aid the planet and fight the Empire. Amongst this crew is young man by the name of Aurelian fights alongside his friends against tyranny as he begins to awaken his true powers and reshape the galaxy...
(You will find a lot of 40k influence in this story, to the point it might be a crossover in some respects. Nothing crazy, so no Space Marines, demons, or the like will show up. Just names, places, and imagery mostly.)