The Alchemist ( Editing )
17 Partes Concluida This book is in editing:
First book!
Ever heard of a place called's a magical place. Let me introduce myself. I'm Sophia Smith. And my life...isn't the most normal. Where I'm from..I'll explain this in a way that may make sense to you. You've heard of Ware wolves and vampires right? Well..where I'm from, there real. They each have a 6 lords that rule there 6 countries, then there's the Humans, they have presidents, as you would call them, and they have 12, countries, because they have to have a big population. And then there's me..Ever heard of an Alchemist? Well, that's what are king is. A Alchemist is someone who can manipulate the elements, enchant things, and they have other kinds of powers. Like Strength, stealth, Speed, Agility, We are very smart as well. And we'll..we also have a tattoo. On the king I know it's not on his face, but I think it was said it was on his back, in the middle and it was huge.'s small, and on my cheek. I usually wear this make up stuff I made to hide it, then I have a special remover. Anyway..i don't know if the king and I mom died when I was 8 Ina car accident. I was in the car. I actually shouldn't have survived. But...I don't know..I've always had something weird with me..
I'm 17. And I'm now starting at the academy. The academy is where 17-24 year old human, Warewolf And Vampire go to study, for what they want to do. All I know is this is gonna be a wild run!
Read to see her life!
Description of Sophia: Dark brown hair, down to Just past shoulders, long side bangs, right side. Bulgarian skin tone. Brown eyes, with gold specks. 5'8. 17. Beautiful.