In any city, in any country, there's a mental institution or halfway house you can try any of these in. There were 2538 of these Objects, but 2000 were lost.
The remaining 538 must never come together. Ever.
These stories have been gathered from various sources, many of which are questionable at best, but they all follow a similar thread; they tell the tale of a number of Objects, which, when brought together, will bring about horrendous consequences, details of which drive most people mad.
The veracity of the stories is always in question; this is how it is intended to be. Nobody really knows if these Objects are real, or if there are indeed a set number of Objects that exist in the world that yearn for a reunion with their kin. Speculation runs rampant; part of what makes the Holders stories so enticing is the possibility any person could go into a special institution, ask to visit a Holder, and be forced to undergo a test of power to earn an Object.
Some of the Holders have posted their own stories, adding to the mystery of an already eerie and unnerving series. The Holders themselves have leaped around the fields of realm and lore since time immemorial, and the Objects are restless for their Reunion.
The Objects, while powerful and fearsome, lack the ability to freely gather together of their own volition, and so have called forth a need in certain individuals. These people become Seekers, their stories as twisted and damned as the Objects themselves. These Seekers have oft set out for three main reasons: to Seek for Power, to Seek for Reunion, or to Seek for Separation. Their goals are known to mutate and change them into villains and monsters but we can only hope that one with a just heart prevails over these foes.
There may very well be a reason that you have come across this story, dear reader. Perhaps the Objects are calling.
Will you answer?
(this information does not belong to me, i have taken this from Internet, the
(Warning: this book has heavy themes in this book that are not okay for younger audiences if please read the information in the bio to understand complete thank you.) *Disclaimer: Bloody
Bunny is owned by Two spot studios, any art used in this book still belong to their original creators listing their names will be present if their username on social media is possible to find. *
After the first Blood had been completed Bloody Bunny and her sister Mumu took a rest to lay low with Ayupan. after the vampire lord Bloody Bunny wanted nothing but rest and to be left alone but someone didn't get the memo. That someone being Dark rabbit, he was back, he had new forces with him, and he is acting... different towards her. When he confesses, he is here for her, the reason he gives her on why he's here has her confused to the core. Instead of wanting her dead for ruining their operation, he wants to bring her into the new Dark Bosses as she showed skills that rivaled his and from these skills sparked something in him. Something that he wants to share with her, but she doesn't want to join the new Dark Bosses on their mission to kill all humans let alone be with Dark Rabbit. So, what does he do take her back to dizzy land where it all started for a new experiment from DR. Kikky. As, he does this Doll Works prepares a solution for Dark Rabbit to break her spirits the Hide and Seek initiative a series of simulations designed to break even the toughest of minds, in this case psychological and physical torture. In these simulations everything you touch is realistic from this Bloody Bunny will have to manage getting through challenges of several life-like simulations while avoiding Dark Rabbits attraction towards her and his units attempts to capture her.