TWISTED is a hard-hitting sci-fi action adventure. Set in a post apocalyptic world where the tattered remnants of humanity have been subjugated by an alien invader. The Psymorphans feed on the psychic energies released by emotions. Strong emotions like those associated with pain, misery and suffering; fear, anger and desperation feed them best. No one is safe. The Xindar gave Earth to the Psymorphans to use as a breeding ground because human emotions are a rich source of food for them. The Xindar use the telepathic abilities of the Psymorphans for communication throughout their vast interstellar empire and, amongst other things, for maintaining discipline amongst the human population and their own forces. TWISTED consists of three interwoven stories about the survivors of an alien invasion. The first tells the story of Nathan Cray, a tough ex-soldier, living rough whilst hunting for food to send back to his family and fellow survivors. Much of his time is spent trying to avoid the Psymorphan overseers, their alien troopers and their pet human militia. The second tale is about the lives of Cray's two sons Serle and Sheldon who become great leaders of the resistance. The third story is set in the distant future at a time when talking and dreaming have been outlawed and over the centuries largely forgotten. The human population has become almost exclusively ignorant. The Psymorphans hold bloodthirsty gladiatorial games in order to feed on the emotions of the watching masses. A secret cult known as ‘The Org’ whilst seeking knowledge of their history discovers that there is one man whom seems to have the ability to dream about events that actually occurred in the past. That man is Daniel Cray a disgraced former master gladiator whom rises to overthrow the human masters and their alien overlords.All Rights Reserved
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