Beca Mitchell is a famous music producer in LA. She's worked with some fairly famous people since moving there 6 years ago, names such as Usher, Chris Brown, Ke$ha, One Direction (unfortunately) and P!nk. Of course she loves her job, being able to make music and inspire people was what she lived for. But she did not, however, love how whenever she walked around the streets of LA, she was being followed by paparazzi and stalked by random insane fans. I mean, don't get her wrong, she loves her fans and she likes to sign autographs every now and again (if they asked politely.) She wouldn't be where she was now without them, but sometimes things just get too.. Big for her, you know? And big things don't mix well with small women such as Beca Mitchell.
Bechloe AU. Beca is struggling to maintain her relationship with Jesse and successfully fulfilling her dreams of being a nightclub owner. It doesn't get any easier when one of her dancers is injured and permanently out of business. Chloe, whose girlfriend recently broke up with her, auditions and gets the job. Will she be the perfect fit or will she cause even more trouble for Beca to deal with?
Any similarity to other fanfiction is random and coincidental.