What if Rex and Weevil split it off and both became solo duellists? What would Weevil do? Well in his anger he sneaks into the Battle City finals in which Ishizu finds the young boy. She can see something within him. Something what the pharaoh didn't have. Because of this she hands over her millennium puzzle to Weevil. What will he do with such power? Well this is a weird idea. Truth be told I got the idea from duel links. I was fighting Ishizu with Weevil and when I beat her she said something about changing the future. So why not SEEING into the future Yu-gi-oh is owned by Konami. That means everything is theirs other then 2 things. The story (which is mine) and the picture which was made by someone named ergott. http://ergott.deviantart.com/art/Weevil-165175453 (link to the picture)All Rights Reserved