Each of the 100 stories featured herein will be set within a Universe of the writer's creation, all being a part of a larger, shared Multiverse.
Writers have free reign to tell the story they wanna' tell and providing it's science fictional in nature, no more than 5,000 words in length, then it's all good!
There are, however, five 'rules' to which all created Universes within the shared Multiverse must adhere. Think of them as non-mandatory prompts that weave an invisible, unbreakable web throughout this anthology. But that shouldn't prove too difficult for the writers partaking...
After all, this is Lords & Ladies of the M'Verse!
Anthology of flash fiction based on a 100 prompts challenge with each story being 500 words or less.
ISBN : 978-976-656-428-5
Written in response to a 100 Stories Challenge, UNDER THE MANGO TREE: 101 TALES is a collection of short stories. They range impressively from tributes to fathers to Caribbean Mythology to life on other planets to Vampires and Christmas.
Yet somehow the Saint Lucian and at times Caribbean links run insistently through the stories. For example, it helps to know that the 758 number that manifests in so many sneaky ways, is the telephone area code for Saint Lucia.
It warms the heart to know that in the future, the Caribbean Federation of Nations becomes a reality, even if it's in a short story.
An entertaining read for all ages.