21 parts Complete Kim In Soo is sick because her mother says so. Plagued with drugs and under the mercy of her glorious ancestral heritage In Soo finds solace in quiet, until she discovers something scary about herself.
It is out of her control, as it is one thing to believe you're sick because someone says so and to be dying slowly for real. In Soo knows what is about to come is inevitable. A lot of things are going on that confuses her. There is an after life waiting for her, she knows because she lives it when she closes her eyes. She just needs to come to terms with things.
What happens when her old hell of a life seems no longer to be crumbling and her astral life is disintegrating to shards? All In Soo needs is one letter from the past and a date set ahead to make things right.
At that time, at Inchon
Your cheeks will be rubicon,
You will wake up.
Where am I?
What is this place?
'How did I get here?__ your questions
under the haze.
The chrysanthemums will hover, hung
At the patina.
Dressed for your birthday__ you are so young.
You watched the gallina.
A door will open, as will your hope.
The intruder will say, 'welcome back your highnesss.'
You will shake and bark laughter.
'This is a joke right?' You were the girl,
Who used to lose things
And get bullied with stings.
When you realize what is going on,
You will be gossamer transparent__
Disappearing inherent
Warning: first draft