John Lennon~ did he really 'leave the building' or was it all just one big hoax?? Has he been lying low all this time?... She seemed destined to an eternity of backing up wannabe's- fake & hopelessly delusional men trying to BE their idols The Beatles. Because really there any better place to be than drummer in a band that plays John, Paul, George & Ringo's music 24/7. Close her eyes & she is there, they ARE them. Open them again & she's in some shitty bar pretending to be real. Given a chance to meet the real deal - Paul McCartney, she may just live out her dream and get a chance to play drums for a real live Beatle......but which Beatle will she back? Story starts out as letters between cousins then into the tale! ****Please comment so I can learn and get better!**** **The Tribute Drummer is a work of fiction. As such, it should not be read as a factual account of events or as biography. While many characters of the story bear the names of actual people, they and their actions have been imagined by the author and should be considered products of the imagination. This story is fictional and the events did not happen. It is written and re-produced here online for the purposes of entertainment only.**All Rights Reserved