How To Write A Song - How To Write A Hit Song. The song title, "You Can't Take That Away From Me" immediately raises the question, "What can't you take away from me?" It drives the reader to want to investigate further and find out what the lyric says. It peaks our interest and arouses our curiosity.
A "catchy" song title will perk the interest and lead listeners to want to pursue more information about what the song is about.
When selecting a song title one must ask, "What is the song about?" Is it about winning love, losing love, rival love, or unrequited love? The topic of the song must be crystal clear in the mind of the songwriter and this central idea must be conveyed to the listener
1. What makes a good title?
The title of a song should summarize the essence of the song and should be used in a prominent place in the song, like the first line "Night and Day," at the end of each verse "New York State of Mind," or at the very end of the song "You'll Never Walk Alone."
Some of the strongest and best titles contain language that paints a verbal picture or suggests an image in the mind of the listener. "A Boy Named Sue" or pertains to a color "Blue Suede Shoes." or mentions a place "Chicago," or represents a name "Michelle," or suggests a date "April Showers."
2. Can I use a title that already exists?
It is fascinating to know that song titles, book titles, movie titles are not copyrightable, and therefore they can be used freely by anyone without cost or paying royalties. There are hundreds of songs with the title "I Love You" and this title might be classified as a cliché' (an overused and worn out phrase). No doubt "I Love You" is a vitally important phrase to express particularly in love songs or ballads, but one must cleverly find another way to present clichés...offering a fresh and unique way to do it. The word "love" only rhymes with five other words, "glove" "of" "above" "dove" and "shove." and is therefore very limited with rhyme couplings.