Hi my name's Ronnie and I'm an emotional mess. Hi my name's Tyler, and I'm an emotional mess. Ronnie is part time worker in the local record shop in downtown Columbus by day and bartender at the most popular club by night. And in between she's a part time student taking classes online to work towards a degree in the fine arts. She paints, writes, and sings alone in her apartment in any other free time she finds. She barely sleeps and relies solely on the entire pot of coffee she drinks every morning to keep her up until two in the morning every day until she can finally sleep and be up by eleven to get to work by noon. Not only does Ronnie have all this going on in her life, but she also has a troubled past that is always coming back to haunt her in the worst possible moments. Will Ronnie realize that she's taking on too much and focus on her mental state, or will she overwhelm herself with work and school and fail to take care of herself. Tyler is a full time musician just starting to make it big. After years of struggling, playing in the streets of Columbus, Ohio and searching for gigs in the local bars with his best friend Josh, his band was finally starting to feel the reins of fame pulling him in. But Tyler was still drawn to the city he grew up in. And he still didn't feel okay to turn his life over to the industry. As Tyler struggles with all this sudden change he finds himself getting pulled closer and closer to the place he calls home and to what makes him feel safe. Will he let the local draw take over or the draw of the music industry, both things that truly make him happy.All Rights Reserved