This story follows the journey of five teenagers who learn how to harness and use their powers to the best of the their ability to take back the once peaceful world. Now, Lex Luthor has used all the technology at his fingertips to build sentinels, robots and other creations to crush humanity and let technology reign forever. However, these five teens will do anything they can to stop Luthor and his plans.
1.) Sky- a 17 year old boy, 5'9, average sized build, tannish skin, dark brown spiky hair with a touch of blonde to it and blue eyes.
Outfit- A white t-shirt, black leather jacket, tight black jeans, black combat boots and Black Canary's old mask
Powers- Canary Cry, hand-to-hand combat skills and Telekinesis.
2.) Luna-a 17 year old girl, 5'6, a little smaller than average size, tannish skin, dark brown hair with blue tips that goes down to the middle of her back, green eyes and full lips.
Outfit- Black leggings, a sky blue Nike jacket, black Nikes and a blue heart amulet.
Powers- Ice and Cold Manipulation
3.) Scarlet- a 17 year old girl, 5'7, an average sized build, white skin, dark brown hair that is usually up in a ponytail, brown eyes and full lips.
Outfit- A black shirt, an army jacket, jeans, white shoes, and army tags.
Powers- Shapeshifting and Flexibility
4.) Aries- a 18 year old boy, 6'1, average sized build, tannish skin, black hair combed back and gray eyes.
Outfit- A black shirt with a design of Metropolis on it, khaki joggers, white high tops and a scar of the right side of his face.
Powers- Teleportation and Freezing Time
5.) Cameron- a 19 year old boy, 6'2, bigger sized build, white skin, dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes.
Outfit- An orange Adidas shirt, khaki shorts, blue tennis shoes and a contraption on his back where his power flows through his body (Like Iron Man's chest plate)
Powers- Super Strength
(All DC characters and powers goes to them. I don't wanna get copyrighted ^-^)
Cameron Cole has a plan.
After yet another relationship ends because of certain shortcomings-literally-Cameron decides it's time to swear off dating and focus her energy into her junior year at the University of Charlotte. There's an internship up for grabs and there's no way she's letting that slip through her fingers. But then she's goes and makes one impulsive mistake that changes everything.
Wesley Reed has it all.
As the golden boy of the Charlotte Colts football team, he's got the talent, the looks, and a future so bright it's practically blinding. Girls throw themselves at him, professors let things slide, and the world bends to his will.
But when a required freshmen paper threatens his eligibility, the two are brought together in a sick twist of academic fate. Cameron can't get him out of her head and Wesley isn't making it any easier with his cocky smirk and insistent charm. Their arrangement teeters on the edge of disaster as unresolved tension and late-night study sessions give way to a steamy, no-strings-attached deal.
But in the game of love and lust, someone always has to loose-and the stakes have never been higher.