I tried to open my eyes, but everything around me was black. I weakly tried moving my hands, but couldn't do that either. The sudden ripping of something against my lips heightened my senses.
"Ouch! That hurt like a bitch! Couldn't be more careful?" I questioned squinting once the blindfold was taken off.
I tried to get up, but huffed when I realized I couldn't. The blinding light was blocked by a figured that was looming over me.
"Ah! It's just you," the figure didn't reply.
"You know, you should get some better chairs around here. The one I am currently strapped to is really uncomfortable. Maybe cushioned ones would be good?" I mused, allowing my eyes to adjust to the brightness.
My hair was pulled in a firm yet not so harsh hold, as my face was tilted towards the source of light. The cold metal barrel of a gun was pressed against the side of my head.
"Shut up unless you want a bullet in your head," the voice sneered.
I grinned in response, "Oh, I'll think about it!"
Copyright©2017 by S.Munas
All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. All Rights Reserved
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