The storm thundered above, as cats wailed, screeched, hissed, and clawed at eachother.
"I will NEVER surrender to you, Fangclaw!" The dark tom chuckled. "Then you will die at MY paws, Smokeglaze!" The brown tom hissed, launched himself at Fangclaw.
Fangclaw stepped to the side, and slit his throat.
A she-cat stepped out of the battle. "You killed our deputy!" She wailed. Cats stopped fighting, Grabbed Smokeglaze's body, and retreated.
Fangclaw chuckled, They might exile him, but his mate, expecting his kits, will keep his bloodline going, and he WILL, defeat the clans.
20 moons later.
A she-cat wailed. The medicine cat ran to the nursery.
"One more, That's all." The medicine cat told the queen. A black and grey bundle slipped onto the nest. "A she-cat! Congratulations, You did it." She looked down at the kits, and then at her mate. "I'm so proud of you." He said. She looked down.
"I just hope they don't turn out like their kin." She whispered to herself.