"...I didn't mean to do thi-this is not supposed to happen. I was gone before I realised it, wait, why didn't I realize it? We're all gone in some form, some way. we all find out ways to loose ourselves, to disappear. I don't know how i got here, or what day it even is, just that I'm here and I'm not at the same time..."
follow 18 year old Remy, in a town she's never been before, as she finds her way back to life. Faced with, addiction, abuse, attempts, and mental illness, this book is a gruesome telling of how life makes us all disappear in some way, or another. Based on a true story; How To Disappear is a shocking, and emotional story told of a teenager who faces every day life problems in America. Remy is a symbolic figure of most Americans who get overshadowed by stigmas, who are faced with mental illness, and poor coping skills that lead to 'disappearing'. The question is, how do people disappear to begin with, and how do they find their way back? Find yourself, loose yourself, and find yourself again in this heartbreaking story called 'life'.
I want to be ready for college, but I'll be leaving everything behind. I don't want to forget my mom, my friends, or the memories made. Then again, I want to move on, run away from the heart break following me. I want to be free, I need to be free. For everything that I know, college could be a restart for highschool. A time where I don't make mistakes or where bad things don't happen, but I know they will. Though focusing on the negative won't lead me anywhere. Sadly though, that's all I ever learned to focus on. Learning things about my family that disgust me, learning about family members I didn't even know existed. It's all new, like morphing into a new body, you have to learn how to control.
Sadly I don't know how to control myself, I can't control my emotions.
I want to be ready for college, I am. I'll be leaving everything behind, but I need to escape the pain.
Disclaimer - Read my first book 'Reality Hits Hard' to understand this book before reading it.
This book is also very childish looking back at it, but I hope you guys enjoy it!