Can you justify something that is wrong, but so right, so needed, that it is impossible to refuse?
His lips blazed mine, burning, demanding. I knew the fire would burn, but I did not fear. For it was through his kisses, that he showed his love, reflecting my joy and, there in his presence that I found the light I was so desperately searching for.
I knew that the guilt would soon consume me, dim my soul and would leave me begging for his mercy.
But I will endure everything, for he is my miracle.
I never meant to hurt. To lie and to deceive. I never meant to betray Peter, never in the arms of his brother. I am sorry. I truly am.
But he shows me passion, I never want to forget.
The guilt and the sorrow, hurt and betrayal, anger and resentment, darkness and light..all replaced with hugs and kisses, promises and desires, hopes and dreams.
Ripped bedsheets and shared beds.
Endless love, and blood recklessness..