Hello my little stars it's OverlandAbyss23 back from being a freaking idiot who can't do crap about updating my stories but i'm back to give a description about my new story. WARNING I OverlandAbyss23 DON'T OWN NARUTO AND I SURE AS HELL DON'T OWN YOU (cl/n) = clan name (also is your last name and your clan is the strongest) (c/n) = crushes name (y/n) = your name (f/c) = favorite color (2f/c) = 2 favorite color (h/c) = hair color (e/c) = eye color (kg/n) = kekkei genkai name Description 7 years ago there was a clan called the (cl/n) and in that clan there was a head family there was a mother a father two daughters and one son. Your brother Michael was the eldest then there was one of the two daughters the middle child was your sister Melody then there was the youngest of the three which is you (y/n) (cl/n) of the main branch family. Something happened to the (cl/n) you run away and end up in Konoha the Hokage took you into the village you start going to the Ninja Academy you make lots of friends and maybe a few lovers.All Rights Reserved