give me a city to roam, and a hand to hold. Beers, indie rock songs, cheap motels and rebellious decisions inside the back of a dark green Volkswagen: You have lived years of your life with high spirits and tears and broken memories. With the agony of losing people dear to you, you decide to build a fortress around you heart, making sure nothing or no one gets to you. Your eyes flickered with curiosity over an unknown smile. Tears shed and bottles pop open evey night with CD's of AC/DC scattered across the car floor and a vintage camera hanging by a friend's car mirror, so drunk on light that your heart shows through. But there was her. A girl whose freedom was limited and willing to go to lengths as a truant. But after you cross paths at a super-market, things take a different direction. Chaos churns. Tables turn. Bridges burn. They live and learn. lauren/youAll Rights Reserved