Vanessa Liutos was an ordinary girl; she was seventeen going on eighteen, had best friends, and had an adorable little half-brother named Lucien. But one day, all this is stolen from her when she is nearly killed in a car crash. When she awakes, she finds herself in a room she doesn’t recognize, with a boy she doesn’t recognize, and with a whole new revelation forced upon her: she must become the apprentice of this boy, who is her age, and who claims to be a Grim Reaper! Desperate to get back to her body, which is in a comatose state, and from there, her dear brother Lucien, Nessa reluctantly agrees to train under him. But maybe, the strange, completely out-dated and bossy Reaper Rhyne may mean something more to her. In the end, it’s a choice between young love and family; what on earth is Nessa going to do?