A very spirited young hobbit, living in Bag End with her uncle Frodo and his uncle, Bilbo, lives a normal life. Although, that's how Bilbo and Frodo started off too before they went on their crazy, wild adventures! Christina Underhill was odd according to the other hobbits. With her parents missing or dead, she chooses to isolate herself within the trees of the east farthing woods with the exception of her trusty and only friend, Robin Gamgee. In the woods they would act as if they were in some distant world on an adventure of their own. _ One fateful day, she gets blown away from home and onto the adventure she always dreamed of, with Gandalf. On the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. She must decide who her alliance lies with after dealing with being tricked and deceived! In the end, her adventure may not be as promising as it seemed, leaving disappointment, confusion, or betrayal in her path. _ Read to experience the characters personalities, decisions, problems, back stories, and the wonderful storyline and plot! Be prepared to get emotionally attached to this fictional universe that you will not want to wait for the next update! WARNING: NOT FINISHED!
Aúthiel has always been alone. Her dark past is splattered with blood and she struggles everyday to live with what she has done. She depends on no-one, and trusts very few.
However, when the wizard Gandalf asks her to go in his stead to assist four young hobbits, she gets pulled into an adventure which changes everything.
With an age-old enemy constantly searching for her and danger at every turn, will Aúthiel be able to protect the fellowship and herself, or will she fall to the darkness like her people before her?
*This fan-fiction is based on 'The Lord of The Rings' film trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, but may contain some ideas and scenes from book by J.R.R. Tolkein that I particularly enjoyed, or that would contribute to my storyline. All rights to the characters in this story, except for Aúthiel, belong to Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkein. There is no copyright intended. *