~Sequel to Crazy Love & College Crazy Love.~
Kellin Quinn - Sometimes depressing thoughts, raise through his head, which makes him do things, he doesn't mean to do. Weed and sometimes alcohol helps calms his nerves, but is addicting. Interested in guys.
Vic Fuentes - Very mature, and Teacher-like, but has been forgetting about that, and having ' fun' with Kellin, Oli, and Andy. Interested in guys.
Oli Sykes - Is good at making people do what he wants, he knows what type of words and sentences to use to seduce someone. Can be suicidal, but most of the time just likes the look and feel of blood. Likes weed and alcohol, but sometimes the heavier stuff too. Interested in guys. Could get mean and aggressive, but doesn't mean to.
Andy Biersack - Is more interested in girls than guys, but could go both ways. Could get mean and aggressive, but doesn't mean to. Took Ash's lost the hardest, and sometimes thinks of ending it to be with her. Likes cigarettes, weed, and alcohol, rarely does heavier stuff.
Kellin, Oli, and Andy, Survived High-school, & College, but with the lost of their friends, Ash, and Ronnie.
Vic, their High-school & College teacher, were with them through all these events.
Some chapters will contain trigger warnings, the warnings will be in the chapters.