On the planet Yordain, there are ten kingdoms, the Ten Fury Kingdoms, locked in a vicious battle for dominance. Allies backstab, enemies wage war, and friendship and hatred alike are kindled between borders. Each kingdom is unique with its own resources, power, and landscape. Who will win the fight for dominance? It is up to you, our next king or queen. Also in Yordain, there are two castes: the Shree and the Decents. The Decents are just like you and me, they are normal people who go about their daily lives with peace. They are allowed to rule if they have royal blood, they are allowed to own slaves, land, food, and clothes, and they are allowed to live in peace. The Shree are slaves. Every Shree has power, power to bend light between their finger tips, congure fire from their palms, pour water from thin air, and have dragon wings. When they are born, they are lynched by their masters: a iron spike is hammered carefully into the base of their skulls, preventing them from using their abilities and forcing them to be slaves. If the spike is removed, the Shree dies. Every Shree is lynched. Save for a few. Every unlynched Shree hides from the sight of the Decents, for a Shree who runs is a Shree who dies. They are given away by their one tell-tale characteristic: every Shree has unique eyes. Alisha is a unlynched Shree, seeking freedom from her masters. Amongst the lower class, there is a rumor of a Queen-the Goddess with Gray Eyes-in Inya who harbors runaway Shree and can remove the iron spike without the host dying. But are the rumors true? It's up to Alisha to find out... or die trying.
هُنا في تلك المدرسة لا يتم التعلم كما في باقي المدارس لانها في الصباح مدرسة طبيعيه جداً يتم تدريسك بها ولكن... هناك بعد مُنتصف الليل يتم تعليمك.. كيفية ممارسة الجنسِ او بمعني اخر ~كيف تُصبحين عاهرة؟ ~ امم هل اُكمل؟ لا ساترككم لتعرفوا باقي الاحداث في الروايه~
تلك الرواية لا تمد للواقع بصلة وكل احداثها غير حقيقية انما فقط احداث من وحي الخيال وسيكون هناك نوعاََ ما مشاهد +18 ورُبما لا تجوز لبعض القارئيين، لذا من فضلُك اذا لم تكن تحب هذا النوع من الروايات فقط تجاوزها لستُ مسؤلة ان دخلت ولم تعجبك احداث الرواية لا تجوز لمن في عمر قليل.
عدد البرتات غير معروف بعد والتنزيل ربما يكون كُل اسبوع
اي تشابُه في الافكار او في الروايه هي مُجرد صدفه لا اكثر وانا لا اسرق اي كلمه من اي كاتبه اخري
مُشاهدة مُمتعه~