This story tells the tale about a vampire hunter captain of the guards named Masashi who live with a powerful grim reaper Princess Kizoku. Masashi became sick after being tied to a tree in the middle of the day due to his enemies, he was healed by a moonlight princess named Kumiko and became close friends with her. Unaware that Princess Kizoku had been sleeping with a werewolf named Menmen, Masashi fell in love with Princess Kumiko, both of them later found out Princess Kizoku wanted her sacred diamond and gain control of her castle bright moon. Masashi also found that Princess Kizoku had been sleeping with the werewolf Menmen. Will Masashi be able to save the moonlight princess from his former powerful grim reaper mistress from getting her hands on her moon diamond? Read the story and you'll get your answers. Warning: Attention all wattpad users! This story contains sexual contents that maybe disturbing and offensive to some readers who's not in the mood to read sex and romance and feel as if this story is not their cup of tea. If you don't want to read it, don't. If you feel that you are enjoying it and wants to keep reading it to see what happened next, feel free to enjoy the story it's funny and hot. Courtesy of KeyiraWells1299. Holla back! Note: I'm dedicating this to my Facebook friend Kizoku Kurosaki.