One year ago, humanity stood completely still. Only a selected few were not affected by this mysterious force that froze humanity. An organization called H.O.P.E, humanity's only possible explanation, took everyone who did not freeze with the rest of the world. We were trained to use guns and weapons. Every age group got a leader who works with H.O.P.E. My group was stuck with Grayson Dolan, the perfect kid that everyone in H.O.P.E admires, except for me. When a plan to kill everyone in Section A succeeded, I was left stranded with Grayson. My plan is to search for Dominic, my nephew, and Grayson's is to search for his twin brother, Ethan.
This story is inspired by the fifth wave series and the maze runner series. I use common themes and ideas that have arisen from these books in this story.