The world has just gone through a nuclear apocalypse when the Japanese sent out a nuke to destroy the United States, but they miscalculated the blast force, which ended in the result of the entire world to be seared by flames. After a few decades, the remaining survivors began to build up a community, using the rubble to build walls to protect the inside from the burned wilderness outside. They grew crops and trees, building up the human race slowly. But they needed guards, so they manufactured their own breed of robotic canines and other machines. The survivors were pleased, but as the machines began turning on them, with the only remaining loyal MechRuts being the canines, the human race fled from their safe home to the outside world to salvage what they could. The world outside had began naturally regrowing, the soil becoming more fertile with each month passing, but will the human race be able to survive outside of the comfort that they had been locked in for centuries?