If ever you wonder why you have stumbled upon this book, it is because you are destined to read it. This will introduce you to a new literary genre that is, at one sense, very debatable, which is fiction poetry. Or may I call it poection, not because it is poetry and fiction combined, but because it is the closest term I can find to describe it. But, then, poection has yet to flourish as a genre with the way it must be embraced as a style which, of course, many other writers have already tried the same.
Breakthrough Beach is to simply create a beauty, appreciation and belief in true love, and a way of life (the way I see it and in my own words) behind everything, once again discovered, and to tell about the story it has compelled me to imagine. It has to glide away from the drift of what is common, established, accepted, and well-defined of our time, which is a whole new world of words expressed in an attempt to comply with the art of finding's poetic narratives triggered by such a desire to investigate.
It is my way of giving you, through Breakthrough Beach, the impression, by which you have to change gear of your mindset to be able to contemplate through my subjects, of what is going to unfold out of such rich tendencies suddenly coming out ripe for the picking and for what I can translate into words. But there is the other side to all of it that you may come to like as well, though. The infusion of metered verses will serve as an antidote, rebuttal, interpretation (or whatever you want to call it) to the jigsaw puzzle of words being devised.
So take a deep breath, relax. Allow yourself to be wherever the reading may take you and for as long as you're willing to be enmeshed with enigmas and deciphering, and a touch of rhymes and reasons, every minute of your time spent knowing why is all worth it.