A.N. The idea for this series is that each book is about 10-ish chapters, revolving around an arc. I'll post a chapter once per month, maybe twice depending how often I can write since my time is very limited now.
"C'mon Soryen! You're going to miss it!" Soryen's five year old sister said excitedly.
Those were some of the last words Soryen could remember clearly in his head three hours before the Infinity Cannon obliterated his town, family, friends, and home.
Maple is a mage, most importantly a Beyonder-Mage. In fact, she's the only new Beyonder Mage since two thousand years ago since the Infinity Cannon had last fired. She's young, adventurous, and completely naive to the dangers of joining a guild. In particular, the dangers of joining the Stars of Heaven.
"What is this?" twelve year old Arcaneologist asks his Master from the dig site.
"This... shouldn't... be... here..." he pales significantly and passes out.
"What-What the heck? Help! I need some help at Dig-Site 2B!" The apprentice yells out, checking the vital signs.
Unknowns to the apprentice, the Infinity Cannon piece has just glowed a shade of purple, indicating it's start-up sequence.
"Where am I?" These are the words from the young girl who just appeared into the Beyond.
A shocked young lady nearly faints at the appearance of the girl.
"Where did you come from, young one?" the lady asks, totally unsure what to do. It's been years since a new person has come into the Beyond.
"My..." the young girl's eyes start to tear up as she can't remember what happened. It's all just a blank to her.
"Brother?" she says, questionably, almost to herself. Then a look of worry, followed by a long stream of tears.
"...Dear? Are you okay?"
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)